Southeastern Salvage Home Emporium i Nashville

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterSoutheastern Salvage Home Emporium



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2728, Eugenia Avenue, 37211, Nashville, Davidson County, US USA
kontakter telefon: +1 615-244-1001
internet side:
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Latitude: 36.1123779, Longitude: -86.7531742

kommentar 5

  • Robert Newman

    Robert Newman


    Great selection of eccentric decore. Great store for single statement pieces.

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    John Foreman


    Fun place to go. Unbelievable array of unusual household items. A nice selection of lower-end Cabinetry sinks tubs. Lots of tile and wood flooring available as well. I highly recommend a visit you will probably come home with something you never knew existed

  • Lance Whitworth

    Lance Whitworth


    Be careful I have been to Birmingham Huntsville Chattanooga and now they Nashville locations I bought something at the Birmingham location and was told I could take it back anywhere ended up in Nashville today and was told that Nashville did not stock that Autumn so I drove back to Huntsville with $600 worth of tile that will not finish out my bathroom shower and I will have to make a trip to Birmingham to return also a lot of the items have been recounted and put up because of an inventory getting ready for the gentleman and meet I'll Department work with me and searched and found everything I needed and wanted, just be careful about the returns now they manager only shift did give me a 10% off on this trip so I would say they probably did everything they could within their powers except taking my stuff back

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    Nicholas Rudolph


    "Webb" and Joe were fantastic. Walkd me through their process and were patient in explaining product options and availability. Would highly recommend.

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    Laura white


    I live an hour away and visited the Nashville store. I called back two days later to ensure the $500 table was still available before we drove back to the store. It was not but I was told there was one similar. I requested if she could send an image via email or text. She hastily said no I can’t, without apology or suggestion. Just lost a potential $500 sale. Customer service is a big deal.

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