South Philly Cheesesteaks & Fries w Las Vegas

Stany ZjednoczoneSouth Philly Cheesesteaks & Fries



🕗 godziny otwarcia

755, South Grand Central Parkway, 89106, Las Vegas, Clark County, US USA
kontakt telefon: +1 702-283-6386
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 36.1658261, Longitude: -115.1562318

komentarze 5

  • Colin Cowan

    Colin Cowan


    Since the move and the revamp South Philly has taken on a whole new lease on life. The meals are no longer thrown together in haste, instead, they are made with due care and attention toward the customers satisfaction. A very clean and tidy restaurant, and the food is a taste sensation.

  • en

    Geisha Valentine


  • en

    jesusa siciliano


    the service is bad esp the big fat asian guy who has the worst attitude as if he dont wanna work there , stay away from this location and they gave me a reheated french fries.

  • G Barzetta

    G Barzetta


    expensive,cheap beefs in the sandwichs.,tge atencion us horrendous.

  • Milan Thakkar

    Milan Thakkar


    Its one thing to get scammed abroad but another to get scammed in my back yard. Huge rip off. I asked for ketchup, mayo, etc on my sub and she was adding 46 cents for each condiment like I am not paying attention. When I asked about it she quietly deducted it off trying to be slick. They even charge for lettuce and tomotao on a $10 crappy cheese steak. Never again !

najbliższy Restauracja

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