South Ferry i New York

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterSouth Ferry


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New York, NY 10004, USA
kontakter telefon: +1
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Latitude: 40.7017327, Longitude: -74.0129774

kommentar 5

  • Vivek Khandelwal

    Vivek Khandelwal


    Staten Island is the southern most area of the 5 boroughs of New York. Taking a free boat ride to the island is fantastic since it also takes you closer to the Statue of Liberty. There are lots of things to do on the other side and thus it is recommended to take some time out and visit the beauty and nature.

  • Christine Youn

    Christine Youn


    Too crowds can't enjoy weather and surroundings. also so many people's offering for so many different stuff. If you are a new to this city, don't go this place unless you have a good guide.

  • Julio Roman

    Julio Roman


    It is a very nice place to spend time alone or accompanied by your partner with your family very pleasant trip Although it is very short. of the very few places in New York that free There are always a lot of people to come with time to enjoy the trip and for that to read it on the outside to be able to take pictures videos use the camera and all that

  • Brian Bae

    Brian Bae


    After 5 years, it's good to have the new platform back in service after Hurricane Sandy. 2 trains end here on weekends due to Sandy Recovery work on Clark St Tunnel. Just watch out for cyclists especially on the bikeway when you get out of the station.

  • Julien



    This stop is right outside Staten Island Ferry. If you want to see the Statue of Liberty for free from boat, just take this free ferry. If you want to get onto the island, then you can pay for the tourist boat. Note there are so many touts outside telling you you're going the wrong way and Statue of Liberty is the other way, just ignore them and head to the Staten Island Ferry building, once you are in the doors they cannot bother you any further.

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