Soundsation i New York

Forenede StaterSoundsation



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3075, Veterans Road West, 10309, Richmond County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 718-370-9706
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Latitude: 40.527994, Longitude: -74.235937

kommentar 5

  • Dominic Destefano

    Dominic Destefano


    Worst mistake ever!! Came here to install amps. My cars fog lights were working perfectly when I got here. When they were finished, i Left with non working fog lights and had to come back next day. They didn't know what they problem was and tried to blame me. Stupid idiots! Don't come here! Go to Tire Empire on Hylan!!

  • IWC Conversion

    IWC Conversion


    I am not happy with their work. They closed up their other store without telling anyone that there is another shop. Too many come backs for the same problem.

  • en

    Dan Iammatteo


    Didn't feel they did the proper job

  • anthony ranieri

    anthony ranieri


    Lambros has been working on my cars for 15 years now. My first truck was customized with 15 inch woofers and dual amps. Every time i came in for any little problem, it was looked at and treated right away. I was treated with respect, and even asked if i wanted lunch while i was there. I referred many people to Lambros. I won't buy any car audio or speakers anywhere else without checking with him first. I can say i have seen his other custom work and it is outstanding. Thank you for many years of great work.

  • Mary Florio

    Mary Florio


    I've had many occasions to bring my truck, my son's car as well as having referred friends to get things of different varieties done there & have never been treated with anything but respectful, courteous service by an extremely helpful, knowledgeable staff! the workmanship was flawless and the price was comparable to if not BETTER than other places I "shopped around" at. I would DEFINITELY recommend Lambrose, his staff & Soundsation as a whole for whatever your vehicles electronics &/or window tinting needs are!

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