Sounds Good To Me in Tempe

Vereinigte StaatenSounds Good To Me



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1010, West Broadway Road, 85282, Tempe, Maricopa County, US United States
kontakte telefon: +1 480-968-8543
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 33.407943, Longitude: -111.954466

kommentare 5

  • Josh Litz

    Josh Litz


    I took my car in to have an old amp install cleaned up, was told it would be about $75. After they were "done" I received a call from the older guy whom i believe is the owner, telling me that everything was done but that he felt i should tap the signal at the from stock amp in my car as opposed to the rear. They did this, charged me another $75, at this point they have not even run a single cable, just messed with connections. the closest they came to having to run a cable for this $150 waste was moving one side of the RCA cables about 5 feet. I will never do business at this store again and don't recommend you do either, they just want your money and will take it any way they can get it.

  • en



    I called Dave to inquire about fixing sub-woofer in my older car. I had been told at 2 other places it would run around 5 to 6 hundred bucks for a new sub & an amp. Dave agreed that was about right but to let his stereo guru Matt have a shot at it first. Long story short, 45 minutes later he asked me to sit in the driver's seat to see where I preferred the settings. I couldn't believe it was the same unit. The fix was absolutely transformational for less than a hundred bucks. Not saying everyone will have the same experience price wise but I know it wasn't an easy fix & there are a lot of good techs out there but from now on I won't go anywhere else. Aside from being really knowledgeable you would be hard pressed to find nicer people at any business. Thanks a lot guys.

  • Alex Sanchez

    Alex Sanchez


    The owner is very knowledgeable and experienced in audio and Security. He was very generous helping me out tweaking my system. And I was satisfied the way it sounded. I recommend anyone to go there. Four thumbs up.This is my system. (Thanks Mark for fine tuning my sound system. Sound awesome 🌟 . Good job!

  • en

    Jorge Cortez


    This place is awesome! The staff is really knowledgeable, they are not pushy and have very fair pricing. I would recommend them to anyone who is looking for an alarm or audio system. They did a fantastic job on my 2017 Subaru wrx. True professionals!

  • Q



    I'll try to make this quick for readers...The staff members here are very knowledgeable, friendly, and easy to work with. I cannot thank the team enough for deadening the rear deck + trunk rattling sounds being caused by my new sub-woofers. A special thanks goes out to Jeff (the gentleman that primarily worked on my vehicle)! Great job on your superb work and thanks for getting the job done in a timely manner!

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