Sospeso w Washington

Stany ZjednoczoneSospeso



🕗 godziny otwarcia

1344, H Street Northeast, 20002, Washington, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 202-827-3123
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 38.9003858, Longitude: -76.9867838

komentarze 5

  • Ben Brooks

    Ben Brooks


    Only a 2 because our server and bar staff were sweet and decor was decent. Overall every single dish left us sad. Awkward combinations that we literally didn’t eat more than a bite of (5 dishes). Best to skip this place other than for drinks at the bar.

  • en

    Terrance Mcmichael


    Had lunch with friends and the food was great! Drinks are really good as well. Love the service and the love! Oh, and movie night on Wednesday night awesome!

  • D L

    D L


    Definitely enjoyed eating brunch here the other week. I know a review or two has talked about it being too small but there is a decent amount of upstairs seating. Great use of space and well decorated overall. The food was delicious. Our group ordered a big variety but I loved the Porchetta. The pork belly and pork shoulder combo was amazing. My friend and my wife both enjoyed their meals but I wasn't crazy about the latter. Just wasn't my type of food so it will remain anonymous. The Loukoumades that our table shared were well worth it. Service was solid, and apologies to our waiter if we lingered too long.

  • Medha Chandorkar

    Medha Chandorkar


    Absolutely loved my dinner at this place! Sergio, our waiter, was lovely and recommended fantastic wines. Everything we tried (spreads, eggplant, spaghetti, and two desserts) was some of the tastiest I’ve had and shockingly affordable. Couldn’t recommend more!

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    Cara Norton


    Sergio was the best server I’ve had at a restaurant in years!!! So knowledgeable about all of the dishes and recommended perfect wine pairings. Charismatic and timely. The food was wonderful too. You have to go here! Amazing, cozy atmosphere.

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