Sonoran Cycles i Tucson

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterSonoran Cycles



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845, East University Boulevard, 85719, Tucson, Pima County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 520-628-2888
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Latitude: 32.231865, Longitude: -110.9584749

kommentar 5

  • Kevin Blarfengarf

    Kevin Blarfengarf


    The employee helped me with an alignment problem and was very courteous and knowledgeable. I go to them whenever I need to replace a tire tube because of their location. I appreciated it since I had my bike stolen and was in a bad mood, and they made my day.

  • en

    Jon Harris-Shapiro


    Support your LBS Tucson. I had a minor spill and twisted the brake shifter assembly. Marcelo lept at the opportunity to straighten everything out and get mr back on the road. Thanks.

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    Matt Core


    Swear every time I come here to get a tube replaced they don’t have the removeable cores to put slime in the tube and I trust them when they tell me I don’t need it and 2 days later boom! No more tire again. Love it, thanks guys I really love paying to have the same problem fixed twice.

  • Amy W

    Amy W


    Got my bent rotor in shape in no time. Also helpful with recommending good trails to ride in the area. Shop has some nice full suspension mountain bikes but very limited cycling clothing.

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    Christian Cabatingan


    I should've known this place earlier! I went in to get my bike seat fixed since I didn't have any of the tools to fix it. The staff fixed it up for free, smoothly and quickly. Definitely recommend this Sonoran Cycles.

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