Sonkin Dental i Elmont

Forenede StaterSonkin Dental



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1, Westgate, 11003, Elmont, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 516-352-5614
internet side:
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Latitude: 40.707306, Longitude: -73.696627

kommentar 5

  • en

    Nadesh Seecharran


    Went there for the first time today 2/22/2018 because i had a horrible toothache! Dr Sonkin and his assistants took very care of me and even made the procedure fun. They made jokes and I felt very comfortable going there. Definitely recommend this office for dental

  • Shanay Ryan

    Shanay Ryan


    I scheduled an urgent online appointment with Dr.Sonkin and so thankful that I did. I scheduled after hours and received a call in the morning to confirm. The staff was so pleasant and helpful when I arrived . The total wait time was less than 10mins and I was in the chair. Dr.Sonkin is efficient , he immediately informed me of the necessary steps to take to care for my teeth. He went out his way and performed an unscheduled surgery upon my request to relieve the pain. I would recommend Dr.Sonkin and Dr.Sonkin Jr to anyone in the Long Island/Queens area.

  • en

    Mia Alexis


    I was nervous of course for my appointment but the staff and dentist there was funny and made me feel completely comfortable as a new patient. They provided great service and gave me recommendations on the next step for the care of my teeth. It’s hard to find caring doctors that love what they do and provide amazing service. I’m glad I found this place. Looking forward to my next appointment. Thanks again.

  • Eric Gerdes

    Eric Gerdes


    Great experience Doctor. Our family has been with him for over 15 years. Never once had to see another Dentist. We highly recommend him to your family.

  • en

    Marjorie Thebaud


    Came without an appointment - within minutes was called in. In the waiting room, I was briefed of the situation, and later on also by the dentist who took time to discuss the treatment with me. He understood my fears and took time to listen to me. At the end of our conversation, I felt assured that I was in good hands and accepted to go ahead with the procedure, which ended very well. Once again, thanks for your kindness and professionalism.

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