Sonic Drive-In w Austin

Stany ZjednoczoneSonic Drive-In



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2706, Gonzales Street, 78702, Austin, Travis County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 512-494-1935
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 30.2609055, Longitude: -97.7102298

komentarze 5

  • en

    Nathaniel Navarro


    Worst visit at this location. 20 minutes to get food which was semi-warm when finally got. Burger was overcooked, tea wasn't fresh.

  • Shae Kormos

    Shae Kormos


    It wasn’t even that busy and I ordered an Ocean Water. It legitimately took them 25 minutes to bring it out. That’s insane to me.

  • Kay Phetnongphay

    Kay Phetnongphay


    I live in the neighborhood and would like this place to be a go-to place for something quick but the service is so terrible there's no reason to come back! I gave it three tries all three times they were rude, they messed up or they just didn't come out with the food at all. If you're ever in a rush do not even bother coming to this place. You'll be sitting there waiting and no one will come out and when you go up and ask where your food is so give you attitude

  • T Bates

    T Bates


    To begin with it's outside you would think they would keep it clean. Then the problems with the people who beg for money actually is really bad. I had one to ask for money and then food. To makes things even worse when you call in about things the person you speak with you think is a mgr they start laughing at you. Never replaced food. Then going to the restroom. I'd not do that if you can wait. Then do not let it be emergency. Stop with the negative. Today right now whatever your doing and read this please. Sonic has pulled the co of cos the hired a new general mgr. Micheal.he has great attitude. I think Austin your going to enjoy this Sonic again. Taytainia is a student that works here her customer service skill are great. She is a best thing going Join forces along with Mike and tayania great food great place to hang out. Mike good luck. With hard and determination you and your team will win

  • en

    Mayra Hernandez


    Horrible location. They take like 20 min to give me my food. Got home and the tater tots we disgusting couldn't even eat them. Tasted as if the oil was super old and gave the tots a bad taste. Never will I go back to that place.

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