Someburger w Houston

Stany ZjednoczoneSomeburger



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745, East 11th Street, 77008, Houston, Harris County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 713-862-0019
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 29.7909887, Longitude: -95.3880952

komentarze 5

  • Jared Meadors

    Jared Meadors


    Their burger game is weak. If you can get a similar--or better--burger... at Whataburger... for the same price--or less... why go to Somebuger? This place used to be better. 10, 15 yrs ago... when I first started going there... the burgers were bigger... better... and priced more competitively. But--as it seems with evereything these days--the burgers (meat patty mainly) has gotten smaller and smaller while the price has gotten higher and higher. For a single cheeseburger--with extra pickles--they wanted $5... and it was actually a smaller / chintzier burger than a Whataburger. If you are on foot or on a bicycle and just want something close by... this place will do. But don't expect much. They also have steak burgers, chicken sandwhiches, fish burgers, fries, onions rings, etc... all of which are equally under-whelming. Mainly what they suffer from is a complete lack of originality or creativity. I think the menu is pretty much exactly as it was the day they opened--despite a complete gentrification of the area--and extensive evolution of the American palate. Sure, sometimes a plain ol' burger is OK... but chili cheese bugers, avacado, bacon, blue cheese, etc have become pretty standard burger accoutrement in the past couple of decades. If your entire menu consists of plain burgers, steak burger, fish burger, corn dog, french fries, and onion rings... you've devolved to the level of a summer snack bar at a little league baseball field.

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    charles fielder


    A Heights institution. Delicious burgers and fries.

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    Daniel Kessler


    Cash only so be prepared. Onion rings are fantastic. Lightly breaded with great flavor. The fries are on the thick side which I like but the biggest thing to know is they are not salted so ask for some. Burgers are made fresh and the buns are nicely toasted. I got a double since the patties are a little thin and I was super hungry. A single is enough for most occasions. It's about the same price as fast food but better quality - I definitely recommend trying it.

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    Jacinto Jimenez


    Looking for a quick bite to eat this the place. Burger fresh hot off the grill. But only one the establishment only take cash only.

  • Tiffany Cady

    Tiffany Cady


    one of the BEST hamburgers in town. And thats all they have -well they fries and drinks too - but thats all they have so they can focus on an awesome burger!- they only take cash so be aware! No indoor seating, its a little shack and you walk up to the window and order then take it to go or eat at the picnic tables around this little joint that is a true Houston Gem :) it does have adequate parking.

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