Soho Lashes i Great Neck

Forenede StaterSoho Lashes



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11 Middle Neck Road, 208, Great Neck, NY 11021, США
kontakter telefon: +1 516-300-2178
internet side:
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Latitude: 40.7874388, Longitude: -73.7275127

kommentar 4

  • Tiffany nunyobizness

    Tiffany nunyobizness


    Great job on my lashes. But before you go, be aware that you are REQUIRED to pay at least a 15% tip.

  • en

    Taylor Kwok


    small place but very private and upscale. hard to get an appointment sometimes but worth the wait. staff is very nice, price is expensive but they use very high quailty mink and they are certifed. location somewhat hard to find and parking isnt always there. i have been coming for more than a year and i look great and natural

  • Ciara Rayder

    Ciara Rayder


    Every time I go is a great experience! The staff are amazing as are the lashes!

  • Giovanna P

    Giovanna P


    I love them. So professional, the staff is amazing. Nice quiet, comfortable and serene atmosphere. They make you feel so comfortable. I've fallen asleep on my touchups. It a bit of a trip for me but so well worth it.

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