Soarin' Around the World i Anaheim

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Forenede StaterSoarin' Around the World



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1313, Disneyland Drive, 92802, Anaheim, Orange County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 714-781-4565
internet side:
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Latitude: 33.8083961, Longitude: -117.919971

kommentar 5

  • Nick Lopez

    Nick Lopez


    I still like the old Soarin Over California Better. Music, Cinematography, even the Sound effects were just better. The way the F-22s would come across the screen and you wouldn't just see them, but feel them too always gave me goosebumps. But now, I suppose its a good way to dry off after Grizzly Rapids.

  • Zack Zucker

    Zack Zucker


    Something about this ride just brings a smile to my face. You forget you are dangling 10s of feet off the ground and you are able to "fly" around the world to fun and relaxing music. The ride is even more fun on hot days as it is a well air conditioned room. I will say I enjoyed it as Soarin over California more, but this is still wonderful

  • en

    Jeff Wooden


    One of the most inventive and creative rides in the last 20 years. A must ride. Good for all ages. Though, if you have a fear of heights you may want to pass it up. Gently moving ride that suspends you 20 to 50 feet up in the air in front of an IMAX like screen. Scents provide an extra sensation as you soar over famous world sites. Now soaring around the world. Used to be over California locations only. I personally wish the left this one California and added the world locations for Epcot only.

  • Miles & Mama

    Miles & Mama


    It was my first time riding this attraction so I had no idea what to expect. From the moment we took off, a huge smile stayed plastered on my face. The ride knocked my shoes and socks off! I wish everyone could experience the absolute amazement and wonder that I did. I felt the pure joy of being a kid again. From the sights to the sounds to the movement and motion, it appeals to four of your five senses. We were lucky and had fast passes so our wait was minimal. Honestly though, I would endure a long wait for this ride. States should have a ride like this to showcase their attractions. I'd be the first in line!

  • Mapillar Dahn

    Mapillar Dahn


    Thoroughly enjoyed this ride!!!! Not a huge fan of rides... motion in general lol. But this was QUITE an experience! I loved the different places and cultures and smells! Yes SMELLS! Disney showed out a bit with this. From Australia to China, to Tanzania to France and all of the amazing attractions in between, and the nice surprise at the end, this ride will tickle the inner Dora the Explorer in you and leave you wanting an encore ❤❤❤

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