Snappy Auto Spa w Phoenix

Stany ZjednoczoneSnappy Auto Spa



🕗 godziny otwarcia

4720, East Baseline Road, 85042, Phoenix, Maricopa County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 602-438-2222
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 33.3785518, Longitude: -111.9805029

komentarze 5

  • en

    High Ball


    Keep driving on down the road to 40th St and Baseline. Never a problem there. Much better $3.00 car spa. This one simply sucks. I paid for my regular wash and $3. for the tire shine. I would have done better in a rain storm! No soap and no tire shine. Also, over half of the machines to clean the car were not operating. The blower to dry my vehicle also did not work. The staff, thanks....I will take my issue to Google.

  • en

    Kim Begay


    Their customer service is great. Would recommend others to stop by for a great car wash service.

  • Bogdan Rygalski

    Bogdan Rygalski


    Good pricing structure. Mediocre wash with constantly omitted spots and poor drying. Ok tire wash. Better than average vacuums. Full service not worth consideration.

  • en

    Rebecca Lerma


    I was not happy with the experience today, I paid for the full service and did not receive full service. They only vacuumed the floor and did not vacuum the seats so there was still grass on my seats. The back end of my car is still wet. I was not offered any air freshener so my car does not smell bad but it also does not smell clean. I also was not offered to have my mats cleaned which it says I could have. I have some ownership, I should have said something while I was there and inspected the car before I left. I just want the service I paid for, if I wanted lazy service I would have went through an automatic car wash. Not pleased with the service today.

  • Louis Sandoval

    Louis Sandoval


    This is an automatic car wash. It's better than most that I've been to, and you really can't beat the $5 wash.

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