Snap Kitchen i Houston

Forenede StaterSnap Kitchen



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250, West 20th Street, 77008, Houston, Harris County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 713-658-1700
internet side:
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Latitude: 29.8037369, Longitude: -95.400845

kommentar 5

  • Lauren Whittington

    Lauren Whittington


    Great food and service love visiting here!

  • Naush Khiljee

    Naush Khiljee


    Great spot. Good is awesome and really healthy. I love how convenient this place is

  • Michelle Land

    Michelle Land


    I really enjoy the prepped meals. It's so convenient and the prices are very affordable. The staff are always friendly. FYI be sure to check the dates on the items prior to purchase.

  • en

    E Sanchez


    I went back today because food has been great in the past. Disappointment, fish tasted bad, carrots hard, zucchini not properly cooked. Rep intent to help while on her phone, half listening half more recommending this place.

  • Brandon Sherman

    Brandon Sherman


    Love this place, staff and food! always helpful and friendly. This is my go to spot for all days when i don't prep my own meals. I recommend this spot to everyone looking for great food to achieve their fitness goals.

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