Smith's Pharmacy in North Las Vegas

Vereinigte StaatenSmith's Pharmacy



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2255, East Centennial Parkway, 89081, North Las Vegas, Clark County, US United States
kontakte telefon: +1 702-633-6222
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 36.2751621, Longitude: -115.1193085

kommentare 5

  • en



    Great people ^^

  • en

    Asya C


    They are allways cheating with the prices. Many times the sticker show one price, but when you go to pay, the cashier is charging more. Another thing: the yellow cherries last week didn't have any price, just the red cherries $2.99 per lb. When I scan it, the price was $4.99 per lb. There are countless examples.

  • Lorna Theotokos St. Louis

    Lorna Theotokos St. Louis


    Best. Pharmacy. Ever. Every employee is kind, knowledgeable and fantastic.

  • en

    Scott Adams


    Everyone at this pharmacy has always been wonderful to our entire family. Very quick with filling prescriptions, and very helpful with answering my questions. We always come here and will as long as we live in the area. Never judgemental, we love this place and these professionals.

  • en

    Logan Arielle


    Sean, The pharmacist is incapable of keeping his judgments to himself. He is rude and condescending and will ensure you a hard time on filling your prescriptions, Controlled or NOT...and "DO HIS BEST" to send out a fax, forbid you need more. My suggestion, Go to decatur/ann if you need a prescription filled. I feel like if these "pharmacists" have so much judgement that they should a) go back to school to become a doctor b)find another job c) MIND YOUR BUSINESS AND FILL THE PRESCRIPTIONS. Mind you, it was a non controlled anti nausea medication. Too much work for Sean! ZERO STARS. You are a sorry human, and you are not God. Keep your judgments to yourself.

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