Smile Today i Phoenix

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1820, W. Thunderbird, 85023, Phoenix, Maricopa County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 602-993-6080
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Latitude: 33.611383, Longitude: -112.098157

kommentar 5

  • en

    AQTS Tony Cartland VA-115


    I wanted to acknowledge the commitment to my dental work today by Dr Young. He had the daunting task of doing extraction of all my upper teeth and the installation of my new denture. He and the staff stayed on task to finish the job, in spite of my being a challenging patient. He constantly communicated with me to insure that he was doing all he could make an arduous procedure as drama free and successful as possible.I appreciate the team effort exhibited by everyone from the front counter reception to the wrap up at the end.Thank you to everyone who were a part of dental experience today!

  • en

    Michelle Brennan


    This place used to be great, when they had Dr. Meyer. I've had 3 different dentists work on me because they can't manage to keep one for longer than a few months. My teeth are stained after their work on them, and they had me leave with a massive hole in one tooth because they weren't sure who had worked on it before and they wanted me to see him. (Maybe don't chase your dentists off!) The staff is rude, the quality of care is terrible, and my husband and I both have lasting problems because of the work done there. Do not go here, there are many better options.

  • Aaron Pinkhas McKinney

    Aaron Pinkhas McKinney


    So far, it’s been a great. I still have a few procedures to go and my final review will be placed if I didn’t receive the same care I’ve been receiving. But so far, it’s been fantastic! I Love Dr Young and the staff!!!

  • en

    Theresa Hunt


    The office staff is friendly and efficient. I only had a basic exam with Dr. Bhalla, but I thought he was a bit rough. Rather then asking me to turn my head he pulled my lip toward him. Making me wonder if I need work done, do I want him to do it? Started with this practice 4 yrs ago and the entire staff has changed. Not feeling as confident as I once did.




    So its been 6 months since I've been to the dentist. I walk into the office and the staff has changed except for maybe 2 that work up front. The Dentist and the dental assistant has changed. I felt some way about that. But the newbies were great. But I prefer my originals.

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