Smile for Life Family & Cosmetic Dental en Pearl River

Estados UnidosSmile for Life Family & Cosmetic Dental



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27, Townline Road, 10965, Pearl River, Rockland County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 845-623-4848
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 41.0775607, Longitude: -74.0132253

comentarios 5

  • en

    Megan Marshall


    Super friendly staff, they were able to take me in nice and quickly. Would deffinitely recomend!

  • Kevin Jacquet

    Kevin Jacquet


    He was the only one who found cavities(As , west Nyack dental never found one, I felt insecure and tried very hard in taking care of my teeth. This had been for a good year or so that I believe it was smth wrong with me. But nope, he found it , so u have no idea how happy I was to realize that something was wrong. I'm pretty happy about that I can finally eat my chocolate in peace soon as well .He is really chill to , so you won't have to worry If you have anxiety or anything.

  • en

    magali hernandez


    Friendly and professional office.Extremely nice and patient with all my needs and concerns. Would highly recommend!

  • Therese Ryan

    Therese Ryan


    Had a great experience at Dr Pyuns office this week and for once in my life, I am actually looking forward to returning for my follow up and future dental exams. Everybody was so warm and welcoming and really made me feel at ease - I was in a lot of pain and discomfort so it was definitely not an easy task!!

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    Erica U


    Dr. Pyun was very kind, informative and helpful. I will deffinetly be coming back! Thank you!

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