Smart Caribe Appliance i Paterson

Forenede StaterSmart Caribe Appliance



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55, 1st Avenue, 07514, Paterson, Passaic County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1
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Latitude: 40.9405027, Longitude: -74.1453582

kommentar 2

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    Stacy-Ann Barnett


    They change their name like the weather but the one thing that remains constant is that they are certified thieves. If you feel charitable go to a soup kitchen or donate to a suitable organization. If you want appliances go to a reputable establishment such as Sears or Home Depot but whatever you do, DO NOT give your money to these people. We intended on getting a refrigerator and a dishwasher but to date all we have is a court date. The fridge we received did not work and they did not bother to send us a dishwasher. We spent months just trying to get in touch with someone who told us to return the fridge and when we did they promised to return our money but nothing to date. They get a star because it is a default to posting a review. One star is a hyperbolic

  • en

    Andres Jimenez



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