Slim4Life Weight Loss w Fort Worth

Stany ZjednoczoneSlim4Life Weight Loss



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5445, South Hulen Street, 76132, Fort Worth, Tarrant County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 817-294-8884
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 32.6694945, Longitude: -97.3990528

komentarze 5

  • Nikita Johnson

    Nikita Johnson


    The program appears to work. I’ve last 30 lbs in the first 6 week’s. After that I haven’t lost much. Everyone seems very nice and genuinely helpful. Each time I go the ladies always sit down and talk to me to find out what went wrong or why I didn’t lose weight. All except Mya. Mya always rushes me out. She never takes time to ask any questions and help. Today she told me that my Wright loss journey is over and would now start bringing food back. I told her that I paid for a year and she told me that my due date to lose the expected weight has come and now I will only be coached on maintaining my weight. I was asking her questions to clarify but she just brushed me off walking away leaving my questions unanswered. I guess I should expect that from her because that’s the treatment I always get from her.

  • bobbie lampkin

    bobbie lampkin


    It's been a great supportive experience and I'm looking forward to having huge success because of the dedication of my team at the Hulen Street location.

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    Daniel Shutter


    Love slim 4 life I've lost 43 lbs. Great staff they really help keep me on track!!

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    Paulino Rosales


    This a wonderful experience that has changed my life. I encourage anyone that is looking for a positive change in your life to participate. They always look to help and give advice in this program.

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    Jane Oderberg


    This is the easiest program I have ever followed. I lost 67 pounds and never felt that I was missing out on foods. Mya was my counselor and she really educated me about foods and provided amazing support throughout my weight loss journey. The staff are all wonderful and supportive. Call for a free consultation and start your journey for better health!

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