Sky Zone Trampoline Park i Everett

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Forenede StaterSky Zone Trampoline Park



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69, Norman Street, 02149, Everett, Middlesex County, US Stany Zjednoczone
kontakter telefon: +1 617-387-1000
internet side:
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Latitude: 42.407227, Longitude: -71.069155

kommentar 5

  • en

    Lawrence Barrett


    It is pretty hard to find. There is lots of twists and turns to get there after maps says you have arrived. So plan some extra wandering around time in the first time you go. We played dodgeball on a private area and it was super fun. We played for about an hour and felt like that was a good length of time.

  • Rwan Al-hamoudi

    Rwan Al-hamoudi


    This place is full of ignorant workers who yell and shout at parents and children. There was an incident when we came here as a family for the first time. We have two toddlers playing in the small jumping area as we were watching them, and there were other parents were also watching their children. One of our toddler fell down so my sister approached her to help her out (without jumping) and suddenly there was a guy screaming and shouting tat us saying to get out of the jumping area as it was jumping to him. He approached us and yelled at us with very bad attitude! He was claiming that my sister was putting other children's lives in danger!!! She didn't jump and if her intention is to hurt children's live, she could have hurt her daughter's life first! And why is the yelling ? We escalated it to the manager and he was defending his attitude also saying that it was danger to get into the jumping area. He also said that he watched the video of my sister jumping! We said Great show us the video then? He didn't agree to show the video. That means they didn't speak the truth and they didn't apologize for shouting and being disrespectful. If you really care about safety then you should put someone who watches the toddler jumping area, not someone who cleans the floor and suddenly glimpses the area and comes to shout at people! And also you should train your workers how to be respectful when speaking to people. I don't recommend this place at all!!!!!!!

  • Selene Ardens

    Selene Ardens


    A lot of fun but bring people!! We came and had the whole place to ourselves which was nice! I can't imagine the place packed because there would be a lot of waiting in line. You need more people to come with to play dodgeball and what not in order to keep it interesting. Will definitely return!

  • Caleb Kempf

    Caleb Kempf


    Fun place to visit for an action-packed time. Well-staffed and well-run. Nice concession stand. Two walls to run up like American Ninja Warrior. Rings, dodge-ball, a foam pit, jousting so not just trampolines.

  • Carissa Lee

    Carissa Lee


    So much fun! Safe and their security system to rotate age groups is great. No need to worry that your small child will get trampled by a teenager! We purchased a 10 pack of passes to take a group of my sons friends for his birthday. They all had fun and even had a few to return a second time. My brother in law and husband also jumped like they were 10 years old haha! Fun times for all!

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