Signarama Tempe w Tempe

Stany ZjednoczoneSignarama Tempe



🕗 godziny otwarcia

5030, South Mill Avenue, 85282, Tempe, Maricopa County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 480-894-6522
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 33.3793534, Longitude: -111.9401037

komentarze 5




    This is our 3rd time going through Ken and his team for our business. The turn around time is super reasonable, they are really easy to work with and very responsive. I will continue to go to them for our printing solutions.

  • en

    JC Marks


    We have used Sign a Rama exclusively for our projects and signage for the past several years. They have always been quick to respond and very fast on turn around when needed. Thank you for being a great vendor!

  • Krista and Dani Nguyen

    Krista and Dani Nguyen


    The owner Kenneth is rude and if you're not a big enough job (aka money maker) for them, then they will flat out tell you that they will not take on your job and will not call you back. As a business owner, customer service is extremely important to me. It's too bad. I've done work with Signarama Tempe a few years back when there was a different owner and he was wonderful. "Krista: After discussing this with Matt this morning, we are going to pass on your project." Cordially yours, Kenneth Meyer I brought the truck in and you guys took all of the measurements of the truck and took pictures and then after I said I didn't want the truck wrapped, you sent me the email above. This is all fine. I have other companies that are already very willing to work with me.

  • en

    Dino Webb


    This shop is a goldmine of awesome. Staff is super friendly, knowledgable and helpful. Ken the manager, is down to earth and will give you ALL options for your product and help find the best solution. This is the only place I will go for any sign issues from now on.

  • Hilary St Jonn

    Hilary St Jonn


    I had a bad experience in the past with this Signarama, and when the new owner came in, he reached out to me to make it right. We started to work with Ken and absolutely love him! Great customer service, and will go above and beyond to get the job done. I would definitely work with him again. Highly recommend!

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