Short Motor Company i Fort Worth

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Forenede StaterShort Motor Company



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4362, McCart Avenue, 76115, Fort Worth, Tarrant County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 817-923-1957
internet side:
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Latitude: 32.6840537, Longitude: -97.3535046

kommentar 5

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    Erick Heredia


    Best costumer service and really good cars. They will work with you and everything

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    Seth Hearn


    I bought an 03' Ford Focus SVT about 9 months ago. To preface, I have owned many used cars previous to this one. This has by far been the most reliable car I have ever owned. I've already put about 20k miles on it, without any problems. All i've had to do for maintenance are oil changes, tire pressure, etc. I met with the sales man and the father and son team who own the company. All of the men were friendly, not pushy as the stereotype of used car salesmen goes. They were able to negotiate on price and were happy to provide Carfax, modifications, and other information about the car. There does seem to be one other bad review, but it seems to have been left by a fake account, left from someone with a non-related personal issue. Other reviews are all high star ratings. I would definitely recommend this dealership.

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    Misty Dodson


    Wonderful place to buy your next vehicle from. John Garcia and Brady Short are the most honest salesmen Ive ever ran across. About to pay my vehicle off with them soon

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    Emily Garcia


    25years in buisness Upfront, honest & will actually work with you. Paid off my 2nd vechile! Thanks Mr.Garcia !

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    Micah Andersen


    Brady Short lied to me. He told me the vehicle was perfect. When I arrived at his location he switched cars on me. Told me the other sold. Do not trust Brady Short with Short Motor Company.

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