Sherwin-Williams Paint Store w Houston

Stany ZjednoczoneSherwin-Williams Paint Store



🕗 godziny otwarcia

4721, North Main Street, 77009, Houston, Harris County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 713-863-1562
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 29.7977338, Longitude: -95.3828493

komentarze 5

  • en

    Lynn Walker


    quick service, organized well, knowledgeable and friendly staff

  • Stephen Wesson

    Stephen Wesson


    Great quality paint and very good customer service.

  • en

    Greg Bruegger


    Polite but incompetent. It was my first time at visiting this store. Since it was not my "home store", I phoned ahead and spoke to the store manager. He knew what I needed and had it on the shelf. At the store, I dealt with a woman I believe is the assistant manager. Long story short, she was unable to locate my account and could do nothing about it. I could still purchase the paint but under a DIY account rate of DOUBLE my price. It went from $55 a gallon to $114 a gallon. Double the price, plus change. Needless to say I did not purchase the paint. I rode over to PPG on E. 40th (which was not my "home store", but they were able access my account) where I got the virtually the same product (industrial enamel) for $48/gallon. She was very polite, but not doing her job well. It goes without saying I won't even waste my time going to this store next project. I don't think this store is set up for the professional.

  • Juan Bustos

    Juan Bustos


    Good service. Good store

  • en

    Alex Esmeralda


    Chris and his staff are fast! Great customer service and just know how to take care of their customers!

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