Sheraton Columbus Capitol Square i Columbus

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterSheraton Columbus Capitol Square



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75, East State Street, 43215, Columbus, Franklin County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 614-365-4500
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Latitude: 39.9597544, Longitude: -82.9977792

kommentar 5

  • en

    Curtis Gaylord


    Everything truly great. We kind of like glass classes and coffee cups rather than plastic and paper, but that would be are really only less than positive plus comment. The bed was great in comfort, linens and pillows. Great downtown View from the room. Parking was 17 dollars for a 12 to 24 hours. The non-conventional shape of the room was nice for a change. Very elegant room. Staff was very friendly and helpful. E-Z Check In. The fitness room was creative. has a Starbucks in the lobby.

  • Matt Eader

    Matt Eader


    My girlfriend and I had dinner at the hotel restaurant before our show in the Ohio Theater next door. The service was swift and accommodating. We came back to the hotel after the show to ask to use their computer. The hotel staff was more than happy to oblige and they even let me keep their pen.

  • Trent Cannon

    Trent Cannon


    Jennifer Jones and her team were exceptional during my Christmas 2017 stay. I've returned twice to the Sheraton since and now have added them to my "go to hotel list"... I'm Marriott Elite and the service I received at this location was on par with anywhere 4 star+ I've stay. Highly recommend these folks and Jennifer. - Trent Cannon, Road Warrior Traveler

  • demejj



    My hubby & I were in town for a couples getaway weekend & stayed here. It is a nice convenient location to several downtown restaurants & bars. The hotel staff was very nice, & our room was really clean. I'm one of those people that travels with Clorox wipes & wipes down everything. When I wiped it all down none of the wipes came back dirty. The bed was super soft! Now, the common areas in the lobby, such as the glass doors, always needed cleaning whether it was late at night or early in the morning. The common areas definitely needed more TLC. We ate a late dinner one night in the Plaza restaurant/bar & the service was a bit slow due to only one waiter on staff, for a nice sized crowd. However, the food was good & fresh. Especially the Buffalo wings!

  • M R

    M R


    Very nice and helpful staff. Good but not great room. Furniture was fine but the mattress needed replaced...a bit too used and lacking in support. Very good restaurant food. Parking is not difficult, but not cheap. Travel down 3rd St and make a right turn just past the "King" sign past the hotel entrance way, and look for the underground parking entrance.

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