Sheraton Arlington Hotel i Arlington

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterSheraton Arlington Hotel



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1500, Convention Center Drive, 76011, Arlington, Tarrant County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 817-261-8200
internet side:
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Latitude: 32.756887, Longitude: -97.08184

kommentar 5

  • en

    Melissa Lopez


    They did a great job with the rooms for the Dallas Congress of esthetics show. The price was good, the shuttle was so helpful, plus the room was amazing! The R Bar and grill is a very nice touch to the place also. I'll definitely be back if I have the chance.

  • en

    April Graham


    Very, very quiet hotel. Pretty sure every last room was occupied with families and we never heard a peep while in our room. Air conditioner worked great, beautiful large pool area. Close to just about everything in Arlington.

  • Melissa Berkbigler

    Melissa Berkbigler


    Some of the most helpful people work here. I love good customer service and the employes that works here give great customer service. Rooms are nice and the business center had everything I need. I have to say I will go back. Loved it

  • en

    J T


    Hotel is in close proximity to many attractions. Staff were friendly and attentive. Overall was a good place to stay overnight. Things I did not like included the quality of the room service food and not having a their market place open 24x7 when most other Sheraton's do.

  • Miss Allie J

    Miss Allie J


    As a pageant coach I go to hotels very often sometimes two to three times in a month. The Sheraton was definitely not my favorite. Although they were very accommodating for the event I felt that the room was not up to the right that we got. There was one communal microwave on each floor but not each room had a microwave. For parents that are traveling with a family and kids especially myself we had multiple kids with us and a baby who needed warm food. It was a huge inconvenience to have to walk and find a microwave. The room service was below-par clean towels will left on top of the towel toilet and dirty towels will not taken away until after we checked out. We also got hassled for a late check-out even though at the same time we requested it someone else in our group requested the same thing and was granted it. I understand how hotels work but it should not be fair when one person gets it in front of you and the other one does not it just does not such a good present for hotels. Is there again I will think twice about staying there and possibly stay somewhere else.

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