Shell en Nashville

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9, Hermitage Avenue, 37210, Nashville, Davidson County, US United States
contactos teléfono: +1 615-242-3291
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 36.1571341, Longitude: -86.7702749

comentarios 5

  • Mike Schwaller

    Mike Schwaller


    Store ok, staff couldn't care less... I was friendly... Staff, not so much.

  • en

    Nicholas Wagner


    Got there at 4:55 in the morning and the store was open but closed for them to reload coffee machines etc. they did not open the doors until 5:20 and made 5 of us stand outside. Shame on the little Asian working this morning

  • en

    michael hayes


    It was a great store with alot of diffrent selections that you dont have at just any store. But the women at the cash register are just miserable. Like they even hate being there. I told her thank you and she said mmmhh.

  • Kelly Mcaloon

    Kelly Mcaloon


    Always get coffee here. Biscuits are good too, as long as you get them fresh.




    I have been using this station for 30 some odd years,for gass,food,cigs and other items. Today I walk in as usual at 8:30am to grab a piece of chicken and a coke as i meet my boss for a days work. I stand in line for about 5 minutes and get my piece of chicken go and fill up a cup of coke when all of a sudden this irate looking man in shell uniform come up and says sir you have to leave you're backpack by the front door can't you read,we have a new sign on the front door. I say sure may I get a top for my coke he says in a demanding, And obligatory tone raising his voice. No I said take you're backpack over by the door now! I reply sure no problem but you don't,have to be a jerk about it. I walk over to the cash register fight next to the front door and he comes behind me. And in front of all the other customers he commands me,to take my back pack off before I check out. I reply really,comply and pay for my items go out the door to wait on my boss. He follows me out the front door still chastising me asking if I'm blind and couldn't see the new sign on the front door. I replied it takes a real jerk to follow a customer out the door and then I asked,him who his boss is. He r. eplied Steve Glidewell,and you can tell him whatever you want,this is my store and,i run it the way i want too, and you can say whatever you want cause he ain't gonna believe a person like you anyway...? I walked around the corner to wait on my boss as i have every morning for the last couple of months to eat my chicken and have a sip of my coke. Very puzzled why I was attacked in such a way, deciding wether to just Let it go or do what I'm doing now and,filing a complaint. I run into a buddy that walks up to me and had seen what happened and he said man that guy sure handled that wrong. I said yeah I know and we changed the subject to our work. Well all of a sudden here comes this manager guy again chastising me in front of my friend saying you need to learn how to read,i replied I been comming here for years and that I was definitely filing a complaint . then he says what do you want you're little $1.74 (actually $3.74) back is that what you want? I said no I just want you to leave me alone, then he says " you guys with the little rich boy mentality are all the same and as a matter of a fact I want you off the property now or I'm calling the police" I replied calling the police for what reason you are the one that came out here chastising me, I'm a paying customer and would like to finish my chicken and drink.He then says you're not anymore get off my property, I said sure be glad to and I won't be and,then he says you're damn,right because you are banned,from this store if you ever come back I will have you arrested for tresspassing! I just shook my head at my friend and said see I told you he was being irate and a jerk and I don't know why. He then got a look in his eyes as if he was about to turn violent and raised,his voice and,says the police are on the way you better leave pointing with gesture towards the street. Once again I said you're boss is Definately gonna hear from me and he once again restated that this was his store and he didn't care what I told his boss and to please contact him. So I left called my boss to pick me up at subway next door. I am a 56 Year old man, I'm not homeless,and I work 6 days of the week most times 2 jobs. I try hard to be respectful to others and do my darndest to obey rules and regulations in this our great country The USA. This man profiled me to be a person with a "rich boy mentality." Far from the truth indeed. This man's attitude towards customers I can only let you the people decide and Mr Glidewell. Mr Glidewell and Daily's stockholders and Daily's owners, is this the way that managers are trained to act towards customers. God forbid if someone drops a glass bottle and breaks it at that store that manager probably would punch the customer out. I know I'm a no-body and my 50 or 60 dollars a week I spend there isn't much,but what if he's rude to 3 people a day?

Gasolinera más cercano

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