Shell i Port Washington

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80, Old Shore Road, 11050, Port Washington, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 516-883-4942
internet side:
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Latitude: 40.838968, Longitude: -73.703504

kommentar 5

  • Uncle Pete

    Uncle Pete


    Very nice people that run the mechanic's shop--they always accept my waste oil for recycling, which is more than I can say for the other gas stations in Port Washington, and they have free air hose.

  • Daniel Louzonis

    Daniel Louzonis


    The service at the gas station is the worst I've ever seen in my life. I'm 43. Beyond slow! Takes 5 minutes for them to walk out to your car. Then it's only with a belligerent scowl. It will take a long time for them to PULL it out of your tank when done and give you back your card. And it will be done with outright hostility! And it will take forever. Did I mention that? Every single time I've been, too. No more. Never, ever again.

  • Jay Sibajene Moono

    Jay Sibajene Moono


    They're all great! Fair pricing and they tell you the truth

  • Chris Nihill

    Chris Nihill


    Excellent service, Craig the owner is a trusted man in PW. They are willing to drive you to the train station or back home while they service your vehicle.

  • en



    I've been taking my cars to Botts Service for decades- I even bought a car that they had for sale on their lot once. My experience with them has always been 100% great. I've recommended them over the years and these references became regular customers for them.

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