Sheepfold Dog Park w Stoneham

Stany ZjednoczoneSheepfold Dog Park



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Fells Path, 02180, Stoneham, Middlesex County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 617-727-1199 ext. 406
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 42.4533269, Longitude: -71.1067986

komentarze 5

  • Collin Weingarten

    Collin Weingarten


    Best off leash dog park in the area. Acres of open land for your dog to run around on off leash and tons of trails to walk them with a leash on. Always other dogs there that are mostly well behaved. Very few incidents of fighting. Fells dog association helps to take care of it but definitely watch where you step. Only one tick so far and few flying pests. Great place to picnic as well

  • Genevieve Flaspohler

    Genevieve Flaspohler


    Very fun dog park. Plenty of space for a pup to run. Can be fun to visit as a dog lover, even without a dog bof your own:):)

  • jose trejo

    jose trejo


    Really enjoy taking my dog here. Lots of open space for the dogs and plenty of pet owners who are kind and nice. Only thing is many people dont pick after themselves, and also leave the bags around the field. In other words it has many trails to take on foot or bike. Spent almost 2 hours walking around the whole trail. The view by the lake is perfect by the sunset. So if you're looking for exercise for either you or your dog i definetly recommend it!!

  • en

    Nhi Diec


    Great dog park. It has good trails to walk your dog on. Only down side is parking can be packed and you may have a wait a few minutes for someone to leave.

  • Lisa Quinn

    Lisa Quinn


    Love this place. It's huge and my dog can really get some good running in. It's not completely fenced in, just FYI, but I find my dog wants to play with the other dogs more than run off into the woods. There are some really nice hiking trails through the woods, but there are signs asking you to leash your dogs on the trails. I see people with dogs off leash on trails quite a bit, but I think it might be a little unsafe, unless you know your dog very well. It's closed at 8pm and there's almost always parking in 1 of the 2 lots, so I bring my dog here quite often!

najbliższy Park

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