Shedd Aquarium i Chicago

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Forenede StaterShedd Aquarium



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1200, South Lake Shore Drive, 60605, Chicago, Cook County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 312-939-2438
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Latitude: 41.8675726, Longitude: -87.614038

kommentar 5

  • en

    Lubna Said


    I went today to checkout the new exhibit since the commercial made it look amazing. I wasn't very impressed with it, but the aquarium as a whole was amazing. We've been there twice now in about 6 weeks and we find new and intriguing things every visit. The stingray touch experience alone was worth it. My daughter spend 30 minutes visiting the stingrays and as we were leaving she asked when we could come back.

  • Phillip Gill

    Phillip Gill


    This was a great aquarium. They have a very nice flow of exhibits with some very interesting fish and other animals (some of the frogs were really cool). Also they have an amazing exhibit for beluga whales, dolphins, and sea lions. They also have a great penguin section. If you have kids (and really this is great for everybody) there are done great areas to touch sea creatures, such as star fish. Not only this, the aquarium has some great views of the lake and city too. This is definitely a great place to check out if in Chicago.

  • Jasha Anderson

    Jasha Anderson


    The Shedd Aquarium is an awesome place to go! I had so much fun. They have some free options once you're inside and cool exhibits. Make sure you catch the Dolphin Show. Excellent! I took some friends from out of town and they loved it! Just a little tip, if you are from Chicago and you have a Link Card it's automatically free for you. You just have to show up with your card and your family and you're in. You also have the option of getting passes from the library but if you have a Link Card you don't need passes.

  • Ben Gamble

    Ben Gamble


    Took my girlfriend and her kid to visit here. It was really fun and the kiddo had a blast. The employees were amazing to her and very thoughtful. If you have a kid, I would recommend going here for sure. As for adults, it isn't much different from other aquariums I have been in in my lifetime and is a bit expensive at $40~ a head for adults. (I think the exact price was 38-39?) That being said, there is a nice selection of fish and is still a fun visit. Do yourself a favor, if there is a taco stand outside when you visit, eat there! The guy there makes AMAZING burritos and is so friendly.

  • Rob Hydell

    Rob Hydell


    If you go out to the zoo bring a picnic and enjoy the amazing view of the city and the lake from out back of this location. I included a bunch of pictures of the view so you can see what I am talking about This place is pretty awesome for the middle of country (usually the good aquariums are in near the ocean in my opinion). If you are a local and have some volunteer time on your hands I highly recommend you reach out to them to volunteer. You get free admission to all the museums in the city and free passes for your friends and family. Not to mention you get to see the cool inner workings of the aquarium. It's really quite cool and you get to give back to the community as well.

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