Shannon Sweet Stop i Pittsburgh

Forenede StaterShannon Sweet Stop



🕗 åbningstider

3776, Willow Avenue, 15234, Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 412-572-3105
internet side:
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Latitude: 40.3659802, Longitude: -80.0248695

kommentar 5

  • en

    Elissa Berman Chabassol


    Great little icecream shop in the heart of Shannon. The owner, Caesar, is such a nice guy. The ice cream flavors are delicious and fresh. Great price, too!

  • en

    Craig Sinning


    This place is great, lots of interesting flavors of Ice cream. A friendly proprietor. Incredible prices It's just the kind of old fashioned treat shop you always assume doesn't exist anymore. Try the ice cream sandwiches, they make the cookie part in the store and they are incredible. They make there own waffle cones and bowls too.

  • Jamie Reis

    Jamie Reis


    Awesome place. Great ice cream and other treats.

  • Joeys Gaming Channel

    Joeys Gaming Channel


    Good customer service, love all the different flavors of ice cream, it very clean inside, and everything is reasonable price. Go support Shannon Sweet Shop.

  • Beth Seiler

    Beth Seiler


    Such great service, charming atmosphere AND delicious ice cream. I tried the Candy Bar flavor which was a mixture of vanilla ice cream, caramel, nougat, fudge chocolate, peanuts and all sorts of deliciousness in just the right proportions.

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