Shaking Crab i Daly City

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Forenede StaterShaking Crab



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25, Southgate Avenue, 94015, Daly City, San Mateo County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 650-997-4560
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Latitude: 37.6980057, Longitude: -122.4809455

kommentar 5

  • Martin Aki Tsui

    Martin Aki Tsui


    Contrary to the go-to options, I ordered their chicken tenders with fries and grilled calamari. Chicken tender and fries are decent, no flavoring. Grilled calamari is big, but also lack flavoring (cannot tell if it was just boiled the cook). Service is bad. Apparently it did not occur to the staff that people want water while eating at the table. If you get raspberry ice tea, expect $2.50 no refills. Expect you can get a glass of water after trying to flag them down for a good 5 minutes (if not longer). Atmosphere is fine.

  • Henry Gong (MusiKalTaLent)

    Henry Gong (MusiKalTaLent)


    Great experience! Got deal number 3 with additional crawfish (1LB) and clams (1LB). Highly recommend checking it out. They provide gloves and bibs. The only small complaint I would have is once you get your food, the staff doesn't really check in with you. We never got asked about water refills or drink refills. This might have just been a one off, but we would have liked a staff member to check in about extra gloves, water, etc. Also, the crab and crawfish do pierce the gloves easily. I would recommend asking for an extra pair or so before you get the food.

  • Sô Cô La

    Sô Cô La


    This is the 2nd restaurant I've tried this kind of meal. Cajun seafood mix. I was on my way to another restaurant but I was it on the way so decided to give it a try. I chosed C3 with 1lb of clam and grill calamari. There are 4 kinds of sauce and many level of spiciness to pick. They were all put in a 2 layers plastic bag, you just need to wear gloves and dig your hand in. It smelled and tasted good, same as the grill calamari. If you couldn't finish everything, they would pack the leftover bag with a new plastic bag and put into a paper one, which is very clean to bring home. Overal: price is average, not cheap but not overprice. The servers were super nice. I enjoyed the meal and definitely would come back again.

  • Paula Bunn

    Paula Bunn


    Food was great! We got the Combo 3 with garlic butter and it was good for the 3 of us. Service was fast. Only missed an ocean view but the food and fun made up for it.

  • Carey Yip

    Carey Yip


    First timer. Ordered combo # 3 and combo #4, onion rings and garlic noodles. Feed 6 people. Combo 3 had king crab, clams, shrimp crawfish, corn,potatoes and sausage. Combo 4 had crab, shrimp,corn,potatoes and sausage. Food was tasty but I thought it was too saucy. Price came out to be $150 and with tip was $180. By the way, the bibs are helpful but the gloves are not effective to keep sauce off hands.

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