Shadows on the Hudson en Poughkeepsie

Estados UnidosShadows on the Hudson



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176, Rinaldi Boulevard, 12601, Poughkeepsie, Dutchess County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 845-486-9500
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 41.6978824, Longitude: -73.9397636

comentarios 5

  • Bonnie Green

    Bonnie Green


    Let’s start by first saying Shadows has always been known to be an upscale restaurant. That being said when I received a gift card to Shadows I was very happy to have received it. When I went there expecting a nice dinner I was very disappointed. First off there was no salad or vegetable that came with my meal. The meal I ordered was a special therefore expecting it to be very good at the least. I ordered salmon and it was extremely dry and without flavor. I went with my husband and his meal was not much better. We did complain and we were refunded our entree with a gift card. We are going to try it again and will update this review. Hopefully it was just a bad day.

  • Melissa Wall

    Melissa Wall


    As always, great service and great food. And there is space. Tables are not on top of one another. The staff can move safely between tables and you can't hear the other tables conversation. This place is a definite favorite of mine.

  • Alicia Lee

    Alicia Lee


    The atmosphere was beautiful the staff very attractive. This restaurant is very clean and have a inviting feel.. beautiful fireplace and a phenomenal view of the Hudson. However I'm a foodie and I must say for what I paid for me and my daughter's food was no where wort the taste of food I got. The food has little to no flavor not at all what I was expecting at such a high end restaurant.

  • en

    Deborah Altman


    Beautiful restaurant with fantastic views. Excellent brunch. What made it really spectacular, was Danielle, who made us feel like we were in her home. So warm and welcoming. Would definitely recommend!

  • Alex Iannicelli

    Alex Iannicelli


    Great food. We went in with a large party on Monday night and although there were lots of tables they were unable to seat us at tables because they didn't have enough wait staff. So we sat in the bar area and it was great. Perfect for a group of business geeks. We had drinks at the bar, great appetizers, and great food. Beautiful view from the deck if it is warm enough.

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