Service First Mortgage w Azle

Stany ZjednoczoneService First Mortgage



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328, West Main Street, 76020, Azle, Parker County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 817-406-0290
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 32.8960282, Longitude: -97.5462659

komentarze 5

  • en

    Jennifer Weldon


    Beginning to end, Cristina has been there and has always went above and beyond. I have worked with her for two years while searching for a home and she has so much patience and it a true expert! I knew whenever I would send a text/email she would respond within a few minutes. We even closed a week ahead of time. I’m so glad she was on this journey with me and I wouldn’t have had it any other way. I would highly recommend Cristina to all my friends, family, colleagues, everyone! She is definitely the best!

  • en

    Adam Sutherland


    Cristina at Service First Mortgage was a HUGE help in our first home buying experience. She worked extremely quick, was always quick to respond, and had an answer for everything. It could not have been a more pleasant experience!

  • en

    Samantha Sutherland


    Cristina at Service First was so incredibly helpful & knowledgeable. She helped us with any questions we had, no matter how big or small. Cristina made our experience so wonderful! I have & will continue to recommend her to anyone that will listen!

  • en

    Danielle Johnson


    My husband and I worked with Cristina on the purchase of our first home. We initially considered working with our bank, but she won us over and we definitely have no regrets. She was amazing to work with. She was very knowledgeable and answered any questions we had without hesitation. She also took her time to educate us on aspects of the process that we didn't know that we didn't know. The process was so smooth and organized. She made us feel very comfortable without being "salesy". We really felt that she cared about our new home buying experience as much as we did. We were able to close in a very short amount of time. I very highly recommend her.

  • en

    Matthew Janke


    In a word, "WOW"! In all of my years of new home sales, I've never had a loan officer attend a contract signing until Cristina walked through my door! Very impressed with Cristina's team and her ability to close a loan a full week ahead of schedule. In fact, it was only 14 business days between seller executed contract and closing. Very impressive and I look forward to working with Cristina and her team again soon.

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