Serendipity Lane i Bethel Park

Forenede StaterSerendipity Lane



🕗 åbningstider

5305, Brightwood Road, 15102, Bethel Park, Allegheny County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 412-835-0555
internet side:
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 40.3280184, Longitude: -80.0300446

kommentar 5

  • Bronwynne Bailey

    Bronwynne Bailey


    Reasonable prices. Lots of stock.

  • Louise S

    Louise S


    Asked several times about a piece. Salesperson was definitely more interested in talking with someone that was just standing around. I learned they almost had Shingles...oh great I really want to be in this shop touching furniture. Went immediately to car, used sanitizer 2x and drove home directly. Very sad because items look very nice but if you cant get a price whats the point. I might have been in the store 20+ minutes waiting for the price. Too many great shops to ever waste my time again.

  • Valerie Rodgers

    Valerie Rodgers


    Friendly, good prices

  • en



    I have visited this store several times. Each time, the staff seems to be preoccupied with other things. They are ALWAYS on the phone and are unfriendly and unprofessional. They have lost my business on multiple occasions as they were unavailable to answer my questions and seemed to care less that I was there. Will not return!!

  • en

    TC Clark


    Great future and AWSOME sales person on Tuesday

nærmeste Butik

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