Sephora w Arlington

Stany ZjednoczoneSephora



🕗 godziny otwarcia

2800, Clarendon Blvd, 22201, Arlington, Arlington County, US Estados Unidos
kontakt telefon: +1 703-528-1273
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 38.887281, Longitude: -77.09176

komentarze 5

  • Katrina Tran

    Katrina Tran


    Every associate i came across was kind and offered help w/o being overbearing. I don’t usually have the best experiences at makeup stores, i guess because most people don’t like teen customers. So the kindness was greatly appreciated!

  • Aqua Corbett

    Aqua Corbett


    TY was absolutely amazing. He was very patient, kind and thorough. He was funny and a professional def need more Sephora employees like TY. Thank you! :)

  • Paul



    I can attest to the previous comment about this store being rather... lets say "selective" in whom they want provide service to. I waited for over 20 minutes making eye contact with several different reps anxiously signaling for help only to be actively ignored, and have reps walk away to help other customers walking in (white females) whom got immediate service from multiple reps. I'm use to being ignored at most Sephoras, but this place was pretty blatant about not wanting me as a customer.

  • en

    Nurpari Kelpin


    great location, great staff members, and an awesome variety of make up. i purchase many products from this store and each time i’ve had a wonderful experience. the staff are very kind and helpful and the store is clean and welcoming. i will come here again when i need more make up

  • Crystal Velasco

    Crystal Velasco


    I was greeted by 2 smiling faces! Went in with the sole purpose of exchanging a couple items I bought from the VIB sale (I went a little too crazy). I wanted the new Chanel perfume Gabrielle - there were none on display. So I figured I’d go ahead and return my items, and ask the cashier about the perfume. She told me they were sold out! Understandable because of the sale and the holiday season.. then she offered to check in the back. No luck. As I was walking out I stopped at the perfume section again, and she came running after me! She said they might have found one stashed in the stockroom! The same cashier that returned my items came back and found me the perfume! I always have such a great experience here - the makeup artists match my foundation PERFECTLY and the items they’ve recommended are items I still use to this day. I shop at Sephora a LOT but this location is consistently great! As I was walking out (with the biggest smile on my face) the artists towards the front greeted me a happy thanksgiving! So sweet.

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