See's Candies i Sacramento

Forenede StaterSee's Candies



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3651, Truxel Road, 95834, Sacramento, Sacramento County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 916-285-0754
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Latitude: 38.6347723, Longitude: -121.5057293

kommentar 5

  • Vanessa De Monier

    Vanessa De Monier


    Fantastic staff, very clean. Love this store

  • en

    Kathie Johnson


    Sign said they were open until 8:00. Even checked time in Google. We got their at 7:10 and the place was closed. Very Very disappointing. From out of state and made a special trip b4 we were to catch a plane home.

  • en

    Christopher Barlow


    Convenient location. So close to home with all the treats to satisfy any sugar cravings you might have.

  • Lindsay Yoshitomi

    Lindsay Yoshitomi


    This is great location. Since it's not in a mall, it isn't super crowded unless it's a holiday. Everyone has been really nice, and they give good samples (not the standard walnut buttercream that always gets passed out).

  • Saarah Najieb

    Saarah Najieb


    Friendly and fun staff. Of course good chocolates and other candies.

nærmeste Butik

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