Security i Cam w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneSecurity i Cam



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7836, 160th Street, 11366, Queens County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 877-777-1017
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.721473, Longitude: -73.807923

komentarze 5

  • Barbara Dick

    Barbara Dick


    My experience with Eddie and his company has been beyond expectations. . We had serious issues with our system, and Eddie was able to not only diagnose the problem right away, but provide us with a cost effective solution As a small business, a viable security system that is easy to use and accessible from anywhere is key. I must say that Security i Cam of Queens delivered the best service possible at a very fair price. Don't waste your time going anywhere else.

  • Dez A

    Dez A


    Eddie installed two cameras for the family home. I couldn't be more pleased. He's great, cordial, professional and is an expert at what he does. The cameras and features and exceptional. I highly recommend Security i Cam for your security needs.

  • en

    Besnik Daci


    Fantastic customer service. Eddie was great to work with. Communication was clear and concise on the steps needed to get the project done. He was able to provide me the deliverable needed to get the work cleared in a timely manner. It was a busy time for me as I was in the middle of designing the new office along and moving my team over to the new space. Having one thing to worry about was such a relief. Eddie and his installers did an excellent job and recommended a great product that went above and beyond expectations - at a reasonable price. I would definitely consider working with his team again. Thank you Security i Cam

  • en

    Elidon Meshaj


    I had such a great experience with this company. 6 months ago I needed some camera security for my new house in NJ and the guy who came and installed those cameras in my house was a really good guy. Thank you Eddie for doing such a greag job. Best company ever. I will suggest him to all my family and friends.

  • Harry Gopie

    Harry Gopie


    This company is the best. I called Eddie and told him that I needed someone to fix some of my cameras that were not working.He said I see u in 1 hour.He was prompt at my door. Good indicator I said to my self. He looked at everything gave me a great price and fixed it in a jiffy. This guy is awesome.Recommend him with my eyes closed.Super service and know how.

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