Secure Data Recovery Services i Portland

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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111, Southwest 5th Avenue, 97204, Portland, Multnomah County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 503-828-9078
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Latitude: 45.5221871, Longitude: -122.6762912

kommentar 5

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    Kris Tanner


    Fast, friendly, professional service. The process of data recovery was explained thoroughly and results were delivered on time.

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    Mike Snyder


    I have worked with several data recovery companies in my 20 years of IT work and this experience stands out above all others. I was trying to help a friend recover data from a damage drive, and she happens to be battling leukemia and is very sick. Her family has a heavy burden of medical bills, and while Secure Data Recovery offers very competitive prices, the recovery charges were much higher than she could afford. She keeps the books for several youth sports programs in our community and the data lost would have taken her hundreds of hours to re-do. After speaking with our sales rep he went to bat for us and worked out a deal that would take longer (a week or two) at a greatly reduced price. The news that I got to give my friend about her data being recovered was awesome, it made her week!!! Thank you so much for being a very professional company, but also one who cares about people. We all have a job to do and that costs $$$, but there are times when people are more important and this is one of those times. Thank you Alec Sakenes, you are a great man and one I will not forget anytime soon, likely never!

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    Corey S.


    Secure Data Recovery helped me with a particularly difficult case for which I had exhausted all other options. They recovered a good amount of data and most of the important data was represented in the final result. They were also willing to work with me and cater to my unique circumstances. Their customer service and overall performance was as good or better than expected.

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    K Kilson


    Two years ago, I accidentally broke my hard drive. The hard drive contained numerous music that would have been quite a task to get back as well as personal writings that were irreplaceable. The idea that I would not longer have access to this data was depressing to say the least and I feared I would never again be able to DJ or share my writings with a broader audience. Luckily I was put in contact with Frederick from Secure Data Recoveries. I explained my situation to him and he said that it was totally possible to recover the data on my hard drive. He offered my a very reasonable payment plan and reassured me that the possibility of a successful data transfer was very high. Frederick was right! When I received my hard drive, all of my writings were in tact and the vast majority of my music was accessible and played just fine. I cannot fully express the joy and gratitude I feel knowing that this important part of my life is now back where it belongs thanks to Secure Data Recoveries.

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    Adrianne Colgate


    When I could not access the data in my corrupted flash drive, I sent an email to Secure Data Recovery. Rob Anderson called me next day to get to discuss the problem I was having with my flash drive, and explained the process. After I sent out the flash drive, Rob Anderson continuously communicated with me the status of my data recovery throughout the process by utilizing email and phone. Gracefully, they recovered my data in the flash drive which I thought I lost everything. Rob Anderson provided me with an excellent customer service starting from the beginning who was very professional and respectful. I would recommend this service to any other that needs IT support just due to the customer service I received. Awesome job! Please keep the good work. Thanks. Sandra Chancey (Adrianne) CDS-116179

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