Sebastian Nunez DDS w Baytown

Stany ZjednoczoneSebastian Nunez DDS



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3010, West Baker Road, 77521, Baytown, Harris County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 281-424-3355
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większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 29.7713133, Longitude: -94.9982744

komentarze 5

  • Letty Rocha

    Letty Rocha


    I went in for a root canal and they recommended I extract my wisdom tooth as well. So I had both procedures done and believe me when I say I didn’t feel any pain with either one. Dr. Núñez is amazing and I would recommend him to anyone that is needing dental care. I’ve had bad experiences in the past with other dentist, but the staff and Dr. here are absolutely amazing!!

  • Gigi



    Dr. Nuñez and his practice are exceptional. I completely just panicked in his chair lol and he and his wonderful medical staff just walked me through my procedure with so much ease, so much compassion and understanding. This is a beautiful newly remodeled office, spotless, with the best equipment an even getting an X-ray was so easy. Please please if you are scared of dentists don't be anymore. Dr. Nuñez, Nancy and Mariela were angels to me. I suffered 8 days with a horrible toothache because I couldn't find a compassionate doctor but I was blessed and now I found my new dentist for life and for my family. Please make an appointment now and stop suffering!

  • Becky Guest

    Becky Guest


    Dr. Nunez and his staff are friendly, gentle and professional. We are extremely pleased w the dental care we receive from him.

  • Dorathy Brown

    Dorathy Brown


    The dentist and staff are friendly and work hard to make sure you're cared for. My daughter had to have a tooth extracted, she was in horrible pain, they got her in within an hour of us calling. Dr. Nunez was kind and gentle and the staff explained everything we needed to know. They are angels here. Will definitely be our new family dentist.

  • Nicolas Barengo

    Nicolas Barengo


    Friendly staff. Almost no waiting time, very punctual. Dr Nunez is great and very knowledgeable, very professional and honest. My kids love to go to the clinic when is time to have their teeth check. Very recommended.

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