Себаго Кабинс i Suffern

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Forenede StaterСебаго Кабинс


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7, Lakes Drive, 10901, Suffern, Rockland County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 845-429-2039
internet side: www.reserveamerica.com
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Latitude: 41.2004687, Longitude: -74.1269372

kommentar 5

  • Ashely Colon-Garcia

    Ashely Colon-Garcia


    I recommend had fun with my family totally worth it

  • en



    I love this place! I've been camping at Sebago Cabins since I was a young girl and now I take my kids here! My children love it here! Yes the cabins are rustic but it beats sleeping in a tent(which I have done). All cabins 2 cots in each room, electricity in all rooms, shelves to put your items, a table with 4 chairs, a fridge and a hot plate. Each campsite has a bbq grill, a picnic table, a fire pit with fire wood available for purchase at the on-site office. The sites are rocky, so be prepared! The camp grounds have a swing set, a basketball area, tennis courts and a volleyball net area. The rec area has ping pong tables, vending machines and a movie room for rainy days. On saturdays during high season theres a camp bon fire. There's a swimming area that gives you access to swim in Lake Sebago, note that Lake Sebago beach is closed. On site there's a small boat launch area as well, Lake Sebago boat launch is just a short drive down the road. Theres 2 shower stations with sinks stations, 1 has a bathroom. Three porta potty's are on camp grounds and a laundry room with change available at the rec room. Cons: There are ppl who come to this camp who are loud, play music from their car even though its against the rules, steal your fire wood, walk in on you while your showering, are rude, complain that there's no service lol that's the point of camping being able to get away from it all enjoy it! One thing I wish they told the campers during high season not to do, is to not walk through other campsites. There were times I was sitting eating by my fire pit and had other campers walk right through my campsite several times on different occasions. Please do keep in mind the cabins are close to each other some even facing each other, even so there's still ways to avoid walking through other campsites. So please just respect other campers! We all want to enjoy the experience.

  • DeusCurrentMachina O.

    DeusCurrentMachina O.


    The cabins are very run down and they look more like something out of wrong turn. The staff is not friendly, except for like three employees, but for the most part everyone is in need of some hospitality training, as I never felt welcome - even though I paid for four nights, AND I left two nights early from how disgusted I was with the experience. You have a few high school graduates and like three backwoods looking hicks; none of them know how to smile or greet you properly. It's more like, "what do you want?" BTW, you CANNOT cancel your reservation once it's purchased. Be very weary. Not worth it. Plenty of other decent places, probably with better accommodations too. You're gonna remember this review when you stay...

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    Debora Addison


    Been going there forever! Totally love it- beautiful lake, wonderful experience for children! Ranger Joe is a " one of a kind"! Once you experience it, I'm sure you'll become one of the "regulars"!

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    L F-H


    The cabins are typical summer camp style and the lake is beautiful. There are many nice hikes nearby. The main problem is the other campers. On our visit the cabin across the road played the radio the entire time, strung up Christmas lights, and seriously detracted from the peace of the environment. The cabins were way too close together given this...

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