Sears Appliance Repair en New York

Estados UnidosSears Appliance Repair



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283, Platinum Avenue, 10314, Richmond County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 718-509-6103
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.5800805, Longitude: -74.1668298

comentarios 5

  • en

    Roland Mantovani


    It two 2 visit to complete the job. The 1st visit was to find the problem. order parts and make another appointment. The parts came and the same repair women came. The bad part was replaced and the ice box was back to working fine. neat and clean was her. My thanks go to her11

  • en

    Shari Piscitelli


    If I could give this place no stars I would. After purchasing 5 appliances from Sears my refrigerator stopped working in less than 1 year. I had to wait and be without a refrigerator for over 6 weeks! Customer service is the worst I have ever experienced in my life. After over 50 phone calls even tried to get to Corporate, I still did not have a working refrigerator. No one would help me. The refrigerator cost almost $2800! NEVER AGAIN. The aggravation Sears cost me was ridiculous!

  • en

    Milton Hess


    I give the service man five stars . He was very good and checked my refrigerator thoroughly.

  • en

    George Skilbred


    Each technician was pleasant, informative and prompt. They knew just what to do; the only reason we needed to have a second repair call was because the first time there were parts that were needed. They were in and out in no time.

  • Marc Horowitz

    Marc Horowitz


    The technician was courteous and competent, the work was finished quickly. BUT the COST! $272.00 to replace a transmission coupler! Too much. Next time, I'll search for a local independent tech.

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