Sears Appliance Repair w Hicksville

Stany ZjednoczoneSears Appliance Repair



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195, North Broadway, 11801, Hicksville, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 516-272-4466
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.775335, Longitude: -73.526665

komentarze 5

  • en

    Maiha Nguyen


    There really should be no star for their service. They charge me money for the service they never provided. I purchased a treadmill from Sear which broke down after a year. The technician came to the house and inspected it he told me that he has to order a piece of equipment for repair and charged me $478 then I never heard from him for a week. I called the repair service spoke to a few representatives who told me the piece is back order and they will have someone to get back to me. After a few weeks and a few more conversation I got frustrated and cancel my order. No money return to me. Very poor service, unprofessional. I am still trying to get my money back. DO NOT USE THEM!

  • Stacy Brickel

    Stacy Brickel


    The technician diagnosed and fixed the issue quickly and now my dryer is working well again.

  • Matthew A Pacicca

    Matthew A Pacicca


    Best service repair tech. Flexible times. Awesome personality.

  • en

    Richard Glassman


    Sears 3rd party service provider RTV Refrigerator Repair totally dropped the ball on my service call! About 5 weeks after rep came to my house to check my unit and get model number to order part I still havent heard from them. Called Sears serice number and got columbia service center. Everything was on script but no resolution was offered or given. Got Overflow center and they contacted RTV who says they terminated the call and never ordered the reason given. Sears needs to terminate their relationship with RTV . I wouldnt buy another major appliance and put it under Sears Service Contract if this is the lousy service it elicits.

  • en

    Janet Mann


    The repair itself was fine. The repairman was knowledgeable HOWEVER it took four weeks to get the appointment. I first got an appointment two weeks after I called which I thought was a long time to wait, and then, the day before that appointment, I got a call that they had to cancel and gave me an appointment two and a half weeks later. After being on the phone for hours, and speaking to multiple "supervisors", they were able to move it up a few days. Unacceptable amount of time to wait for a repair of a dishwasher,especially with a service contract.

najbliższy Naprawa samochodów

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