Sea Shore w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneSea Shore



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591, City Island Avenue, 10464, Bronx County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 718-885-0300
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 40.8541999, Longitude: -73.7909125

komentarze 5

  • K Rhooms

    K Rhooms


    Beautiful large outdoor patio that views the water and colorful flowers creates a romantic ambiance. The food portions are decent sizes, plus they provide a dish of complimentary cheeses, olives, peppers and beans with fresh bread... come with an empty stomach and you will leave satisfied. Only complaint is that I would give the taste of the seafood a 3.5 out of 5. The seafood is fresh but lacks a bit of flavor. The service is good too. Overall I had an enjoyable time there.

  • Nicole Nicole

    Nicole Nicole


    Go hungry and you will still have leftovers to take home. The portions are generous and every meal starts with freshly baked crusty bread, cornbread, cheese and pickled vegetables. It's at the top of the City Island strip, so helps with cutting down on time in traffic. It's also on the water which is a plus. The outdoor dining area is a great bonus in the summer. The waitstaff can hustle, so you won't wait long for the food. Not the best seafood I've ever had, but pretty good all the same. You'll want to go back.

  • Gabriela E

    Gabriela E


    the service took so long waited for the food for 1 hour and a half I don't know why because it was noon and it wasn't busy , after that we were full had to take it home. The seafood was good! it had a beautiful view of the ocean

  • en

    Kenneth Patterson


    I have been going to. Seashore for years Parties of 8 or a. Cozy 2 this is the perfect place for you. The. Stuffed. Shrimp with Crackers was. Fantastic the appetizers start the meal. Don't forget the bar. Service is great and all around great restaurant for business or pleasure it's. Number 1.




    Me and y family created this tradition of going to this place every December 31 to wait for the New Years. I had never been disappointed with the level of this food. Private parking with valet parking. And a very nice place. The food is really good and the prices even better.

najbliższy Bar

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