Scrubs Nyack i Nyack

Forenede StaterScrubs Nyack



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168 Main St #B, Nyack, NY 10960, США
kontakter telefon: +1 845-535-3808
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Latitude: 41.091922, Longitude: -73.923093

kommentar 5

  • en

    Estrella Berrouet


    Without a doubt Kathy, gives you the best deals in the entire Hudson Valley. I may dare to say the Tristate. She always has the latest trends and will keep you in style at work. So ladies and gentlemen don't shorthand yourself. Go to Scrubs Nyack for all your uniform and medical accessories. You won't regret it! 😁

  • TheMtvip



    The best place for nursing scrubs! I love the variety they have, the owner is super nice and helps you to pick the best fit. Will be coming there again soon to get few extra pairs:)

  • Sandra



    Cathy is the best, they always have a great selection of scrubs and good prices. You will receive excellent customer service by the staff here. The only place I go to for scrubs!

  • Talita Teixeira

    Talita Teixeira


    I'm a nanny and was trying to find the right scrubs to take care of my kids- i thought it would look more professional. Ashley was so helpful and patient. I know absolutely nothing about clothes- She knew exactly what would fit me and what colors would look best! The store has wide collections to choose from and if they don't have it in stock, they will order for you ASAP. I am so happy I found this place! I even purchased a large bag to carry all my things when I'm out with the kids and got a pen as a souvenir! Will def be back! Thanks guys!!

  • Julia Brehl

    Julia Brehl


    Just the best place to get scrubs. Kathy always drops everything to find you the perfect fit for what you need. Sometimes it can take a little while but it’s always worth it. She’ll dig through boxes to be sure you get what’s best for you. I recommend this shop to everyone I know because she has the best selection, the best service, and the best prices. 10/10 recommend.

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