Sciandrone's Classic Touch w Kansas City

Stany ZjednoczoneSciandrone's Classic Touch



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2450, Grand Avenue, 64108, Kansas City, Jackson County, US Estados Unidos
kontakt telefon: +1 816-842-9915
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 39.0831778, Longitude: -94.5826773

komentarze 4

  • en

    Chris Butler


    One star is one too many. They didn't deliver what was ordered. The bouquet was anemic and sparse. The ribbon they used didn't match the receipt or photo. They charged $12.50 to deliver the flowers less than a mile from their store. My wife complained and all they could say is sorry and offer a lousy 10% discount. Put this shop out of business. Don't ever order anything from them.

  • en

    Michael Langevin


    I just got off the phone with Tammy and they were very friendly, courteous and helpful. My wife and I will be in KC this weekend for Valentine's and anniversary. I wanted flowers to the room, Sheraton people were not to helpful, Sciandrone's was and helped me with a Riesling to be delivered with the flowers. I will update this after I see what the arrangement looks like. I don't feel I will be disappointed.

  • Bethany Patridge

    Bethany Patridge


    They were rude to my boyfriend and insisted they had called to deliver flowers. We told them we had no missed calls or voicemail. Turns out they had a totally different number. They didn't apologize or offer a refund just said they would try again tomorrow. When you spend that much for flowers there ought to be better customer service.

  • en

    LORI Tharp


    I ordered a balloon bouquet from 1800balloons and Sciandrone Classic Touch is the local florist that sent the balloons. The balloons look nothing like what I ordered. It was not even close. Actually what I received was the worst looking balloon bouquet I have ever seen. It was drab and just plain ugly. Very very unhappy.

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