Schumacher Chevrolet Clifton w Clifton

Stany ZjednoczoneSchumacher Chevrolet Clifton



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999, U.S. 46, 07013, Clifton, Passaic County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 973-874-9992
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.8719191, Longitude: -74.1764876

komentarze 5

  • Peter Crosta

    Peter Crosta


    I have been purchasing all my cars from this location for decades. One of the main reasons I return is for the service. Luke is just fantastic. I am, however, a bit disappointed in the sales end. Never had issues but I recently purchased my first certified, pre-owned Chevy. All my life I swore I'd never by a used vehicle and I've owned many new cars. I'm pleased with my selection and have been disappointed in the manner sales has responded to my needs. First, the car came without a manual and there are SO many features (it was fully loaded) that I cannot figure out how to operate and/or maintain some of them. I asked them to secure a manual and I was pointed in the area of the Parts Dept and Mark gave me the phone number to get my manual. They want $35. I should pay for something that comes standard with every vehicle?? I didn't lose it!! Next, when we purchased this vehicle on a cold winter's day in January 2018, the team had a difficult time starting it. I figured, yeah, cold, sitting on the lot a while, maybe that's the reason. 3-months later my car dies and the solution comes to a new battery. I get that it is an "expendable" part, but "I" didn't expend it for 4 years!! I just got the car. WHY WASN'T A NEW BATTERY INCLUDED/INSTALLED BEFORE I PURCHASED IT??? I would hope that all the filters and other "expendables" were freshly installed. So Luke came to my aid when I complained about it. Best sales would do? "We'll pay half" and that was, to me, a cop out. It's not Luke's fault and he tried and that's why I would ALWAYS return my GM products to this facility - cause Luke stands behind his mechanic's work. Sales? I'm just disappointed. Hey, Sales, perhaps you should follow Luke's lead on providing EXCELLENT customer service? It might pay off in huge dividends!!!

  • Tonya West-Sheppard

    Tonya West-Sheppard


    Great buying and service experience. Excellent customer service, and I absolutely LOVE my 2018 Equinox! 😊

  • eric zeigler

    eric zeigler


    just had a oil change with them, and they had me out of there quick! with great service. please go here for your car needs!

  • en

    Vincent Feingold


    Great sales experience We recently bought an Equinox from Schumacher Chevrolet in Clifton. When we came in during the research phase they showed us the different models, explained the features and functionality, and basically sold us on the car. We then selected the configuration that we wanted and started search for the model. None of the dealerships has it, some dealerships were more friendlier than others, some refused even to negotiate (ironically it was sister dealership - Schumacher of Little Falls), and when we came to the Schumacher of Clifton. its salesman, Nick Franchini, did the research, found a car matching specifications, provided fair price, oversaw the entire process of delivering the car, obtaining the most favorable terms of the deal, coordinated the financing, and making the entire experience painless and easy for me. One week after walking into the dealership, my wife is a happy owner of a new Noxy, so I am a hero :-). I did not have a lot of experience with the dealership and read vastly different reviews. I will update the review with time.

  • Alexi Kshishtovskiy

    Alexi Kshishtovskiy


    Visited this place for planned service, the appointment, consulting, service - everything was good from the very beginning till the last second I was here. Also it took less time than usually. I'm fully satisfied. One thing to improve - windshield washer liquid was not on top level and I had to add it month later by myself. That's not some serious thing for me, so I don't think this is the reason for horrible review.

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