Schmitt Heating w San Francisco

Stany ZjednoczoneSchmitt Heating



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1580, Tennessee Street, 94107, San Francisco, San Francisco County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 415-689-7849
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 37.751654, Longitude: -122.388959

komentarze 5

  • Gary Townsend

    Gary Townsend


    My AC went out on a hot day. It was a Saturday and I could not stand to sit in my house without air conditioning. My only other alternative would be to go to a hotel with my pets. I decided to call the AC company early in the day. They came out and serviced my air conditioner. The motor had gone out. Yes, it was expensive, but it would be expensive no matter who you called. These people were good, provided good service, cleaned up after themselves and gave me a fair price.

  • en

    Andrew Hughes


    Would give a 0 if I could! Terrible experience with them. We had a gas leak from our furnace and called PG&E who came out and identified the leak. We called Associated Heating and the guy came out to have a look only to tell us there is no leak. We soon smelled gas again the next day and called PG&E back out who confirmed once again it was a gas leak. We called a different provider and they came out and confirmed indeed there was a gas leak and fixed it. The negligence of Associated Heating in this matter could have cost us our lives if the gas leak would have continued and PG&E was shocked that someone would come out and say there is no gas leak. People make mistakes and I get that, but in this industry and the severity of the issue, I needed to leave this review. They are also trying to come after us for the cost of the lack of service received! The gall!

  • Rishi Sharma

    Rishi Sharma


    Schmitt installed the original HVAC in my condo and the building. However they screwed up the job for my unit. The condensation could not be drained as the drain pipe was not properly installed. As a result, the internal coil rusted and knocked out the entire block of units A/C on my side. When they came in to inspect, they blamed the entire issue on me saying I hadn't cleaned the dust filters. I have proof that I have indeed maintained and cleaned the dust jackets (photographs I have taken regularly to show others how to do it. Basically they were finding an excuse to shirk their original responsibility and avoid blame. They were trying to charge me $3000 for their faulty install. After getting another A/C engineer in from a more reputable company, they found the problem and fixed it. It cost me the same but at least they explained to me what was wrong and how badly Schmitt had done the job. All in all, these guys are horrible. They tried to get out of their responsibility and put blame for their own screw ups on others. Do NOT expect them to stand behind their work. They'll take your money and leave you hanging if there are problems. Worst company I have ever dealt with.

  • Jay Ubamos

    Jay Ubamos


    They been around since 1876!

  • en

    Michael Hofman


    They originally installed our HVAC system about nine years ago and when we added a small addition, they efficiently added duct work, cleaned and make sure our current system was working well and did it quickly too! I'd recommend them to anyone.

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