Scarr Funeral Home Inc i Suffern

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterScarr Funeral Home Inc


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160, Orange Avenue, 10901, Suffern, Rockland County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 845-357-1137
internet side:
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Latitude: 41.1118153, Longitude: -74.1520374

kommentar 5

  • en

    Krystine Ciraciello



  • en

    Krystal Corcoran


    I can not thank Mr. Scarr and everyone at Scarr Funeral home enough for everything they did. They went above and beyond for us. Mr. Lenonard Scarr was very compassionate towards myself and my family during this difficult time. Thank you again 🙏🏻

  • Carolina Lamb

    Carolina Lamb


    5 Star!!! Mr Scarr and staff were amazing to us through the process of losing my brother. Mr. Scarr himself was so accommodating, helpful and compassionate! The memorial tribute was beautiful and the transition from the wake to the burial was flawless!! I would highly recommend Scarr Funeral Home in Suffern, NY. Thank You Mr. Scarr for the lasting memory...

  • en



    I was referred to Scarr Funeral Home by a family friend. I signed a contract for cremation and was told I would receive 5 death certificates included in the price I paid. At the time I signed the contract I was informed by an employee of Scarr that my Father's ashes would be available on Wednesday afternoon-3 days after I signed the contract. I was out of town until that Friday and my brother and I began calling from Friday on. 6 phone calls it took to get a return call as to when I could come and pickup my father's ashes. When I finally received a call back and went to pickup the ashes the death certificates weren't there. I looked at the certificate from the crematory and saw that my father wasn't cremated until that Friday, 7/21. )(2 days after I was told the ashes would be ready) Then I started calling to find out when I could pickup the death certificates. I have now made 3 phone calls in a week's time and have yet to receive a call back. I don't understand how a business in this industry could be so unprofessional, insensitive and lack compassion for someone who has lost someone. It is completely unacceptable. I would NEVER recommend these people to anyone

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    lisa bray


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