Sayreville Pharmacy w Sayreville

Stany ZjednoczoneSayreville Pharmacy



🕗 godziny otwarcia

89, Main Street, 08872, Sayreville, Middlesex County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 732-254-5858
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.460448, Longitude: -74.3613358

komentarze 5

  • en

    Charleen Hogue


    The staff is awsome, very helpful.peresh is the best.

  • Jeffrey D. Hoff

    Jeffrey D. Hoff


    Very knowledgeable and the best service that you can hope for

  • new ender13

    new ender13


    My son requires a medication that is often on backorder due to a manufacturing issue. My hometown phcy has stopped stocking the med because the backorder situation is frustrating and time consuming for them to deal with. Sayreville has been a lifesaver in that the pharmacist and his staff continue to order the medication whenever they see it available. I know for a fact that they check their supplier's status on this drug daily. Because of their efforts, they are always able to help me obtain the drug in 1 to 2 days where previously I was waiting up to 10 days for availability. I drive more than an hour one way to fill my son's prescription, but I'd drive much further for the kind of personalized service this little pharmacy gives!

  • en

    Nicole Nuna


    Amazing pharmacy! Polite.. Addresses any questions and concerns! Fast! Short wait! Takes most insurances. Highly recommended!

  • en



    This pharmacy is the best! And they are so kind and are genuinely compassionate about their patient's, and go above and beyond to meet their patient's needs and more. Also Paresh and his staff are so friendly, and they fill scripts very fast and are supper convenient. I would highly recommend them to anyone any day, especially over other pharmacies and chain pharmacies.

najbliższy Apteka

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