Savvy Chic Consignment Boutique i Ridgewood

Forenede StaterSavvy Chic Consignment Boutique



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30, Cottage Place, 07450, Ridgewood, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 201-389-6900
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Latitude: 40.9796211, Longitude: -74.1151489

kommentar 5

  • en

    Dorothy Tobe


    This store has really nice things gently used and good prices for the value. The staff is friendly and welcoming.

  • Mary Quinn-Laskowski

    Mary Quinn-Laskowski


    Excellent and Friendly staff!! Quality of merchandise is impeccable!! Highly recommend to anyone!! I'm a repeat patron!!

  • en

    Jay Low


    This shop does indeed tell you up front the terms of leaving your item in their store. First they make you pay a $10.00 application fee... then they take 1/2 of what they sell it the item for and lastly, if they sell it and you want them to send the check... they charge you $2.00 for that. What GREED!!! I understand people have to make a living but give me a break... what snobs... so over priced... Bring your things else where, or place the item on the market place, you will do better!!

  • en

    Debbie T


    the shop is nice, the staff is friendly and helpful, good parking, nice merchandise, but overpriced...i need to feel like i'm getting a good deal if i'm buying something already used/worn, the prices you pay there are not much less than a sale price if you bought it new...

  • en

    Karen Stagg


    This consignment shop is wonderful. Randy and her staff are classy, knowledgeable and very friendly, and their customer service is outstanding. Congratulations Randy, your store is beautiful and I love shopping there.

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